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Inside of a Church

Lift Thine Eyes

Chatting Over Coffee

Get To Know Us

Either someone or something has brought you here and it has piqued your interest and made you curious about who we are and what we do. Welcome. Make yourself at home; take your time; have a look around and let it embrace you.

1. Be Still...

Before you begin your journey with us, take a moment to pause for reflection. You have come from a place and time that is busy and constantly moving. The Psalms speak of being "...still for the presence of the Lord" (46:10). So take the time to breathe. Be present with God with a few short prayers.

2. Say A Prayer...

Direct, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
all our actions by Thy holy inspiration
and accompany them by Thy grace,
so that our every thought, word, and deed
may both begin from Thee
and through Thee reach completion,
through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

3. Think...

Rushing into situations can be like a bull in a china shop and it ends up being regrettable. So, if you have questions, thought provoking ones that need a better answer than what you have – here is your opportunity to ask them. Take time to think about what it is you want to know.

4. Go...

We have a selection of resources and materials available for perusal explaining our story, where we come from, what we are doing and with notes from some of our people. Don't be in a rush to take it all in. One foot in front of the other. God go with you as take this journey.

Church Candles
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